Friday 16 August 2013

Inter Vertebral Disc Prolapse

Inter vertebral disc prolapse is a very common complaint in the new generation.
The Common sites of the problem are Cervical Spine and Lumbar spine. The complaints noticed are pain over the neck radiating to the hands or the back pain radiating to the legs.

According to ayurvedic medical system the problem is considered as 'vatha Disease'  the treatment called Manjakizhi (a kind of fomentation with poultice)
Thailadhara (a kind of fomentation with medicated oil),
Navarakizhi ( a kind of fomentation with poultice dipped in medicated warm milk)
followed by Vasthi ( a kind of enema with decoctions) can relieve the problem.

The benefits of the Problems are
The treatment helps to correct the alignment
It removes the inflammation, Improves the circulation and helps to regenerate the Discs
Strengthens the para spinal muscles at the same time improves the flexibility and mobility of the spine.
It helps to prevent further episode of disc prolapse even after the surgical procedures.

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